About WISL
WISL (pronounced as "y-sel") is a not-for profit 501c3 educational institution registered in the State of New York. It offers various courses in Biblical study, Christianity and practical ministry. Its goal is to work hand-in-hand with churches, opening up a dialogue on how to better proclaim the message of Christ in today’s fast-paced society. Many faithful believers would love to teach or preach in the church and do missions abroad, but they are not equipped to do so. In today’s world, many Christian leaders do not have the tools to start or expand their churches. So they end up merely imitating other churches which oftentimes leads to disappointments and ministerial frustrations.
The goal of WISL is to improve the leadership skills and qualifications of pastors and leaders of the church in today’s highly technical, specialized, innovative and interconnected society. This is the world into which we are to bring the message of hope and the knowledge of God.
Our prospective students are pastors, assistant pastors, cell leaders, ministry heads, missionaries, and the like, that need Biblical and theological advancement in their skills and ministerial focus.